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Class is critical in java as it is a question situated programming dialect.

Meaning of Class: 

Class is an outline through which objects are made. It contains techniques and qualities and each protest has every one of the strategies and properties of the class.

Sentence structure:

Class class_name



In here Class is a KEYWORD that is utilized to make a class and after class KEYWORK we compose the name of the class.

Meaning of Object:

A question is gathering of strategies and factors made by a class to utilize the techniques and qualities of the class.

Sentence structure:

Class_name Object_name=new Constructor();

New is a KEYWORK that is utilized to make a question and don't be confounded that what is constructor. It will be examined in the forthcoming (address 4) and what is a technique and quality (address 3).


How about we make a class and attempt to comprehend the idea of OOP

Lets make a class of human.

Class human


open static void main(String[] args)


human object=new human();



By doing this we have effectively made a class and a protest of that class.

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