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A verb is a word that says something about some person or thing .it is a little motor or action.

Types of verb

  1.  Transitive verb
  2.  Intransitive verb
  3.  Helping/Auxiliary verb

Transitive verb

Transitive verb means “passing over” transitive verbs are verbs which tells us of an action which passes over to an object. In other words transitive verb are verbs which need an object to complete their sense.
We eat rice. We like swimming.

Intransitive verb

Transitive verb means “not passing over” transitive verbs are verbs which tells us of an action which does not passes over to an object. In other words transitive verb are verbs which do not need an object to complete their sense.
Dog bark. The boy run.

Helping/auxiliary verb

These help the principle verb to form its tense, voice or mood.
 Helping verbs are of two categories.
1. To be (is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had)
2. Do, Does, Did, Shall, Will, Would, Can, Could, May, Might, Must etc.

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