A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.Kind of noun
- Personal pronoun
- Demonstrative pronoun
- Interrogative pronoun
- Relative pronoun
- Indefinite pronoun
- Distributive pronoun
- Reflexive pronoun
- Emphatic pronoun
Personal pronoun
A personal pronoun is used for the name of a person.Eg he, she, it, they etc.
Demonstrative pronoun
These pronouns are used in place of noun to which they point.
Eg This, Your, These, Those etc.
Interrogative pronoun
These pronouns are used for asking question.Eg What is this?
Relative pronoun
A relative pronoun is one that refer to a noun or a pronoun and joinsTwo sentences
Eg I met ali who lives in sargodha.
Distributive pronoun
They refer to pronoun and things to one at a time.Eg each pen cast ten rupees.
Reflexive pronoun
They are formed by adding self. They are always used with object never as subject.Eg he cut himself.
Emphatic pronoun
They have the same form as the reflexive pronoun, but their use or function is different. They are used to lay emphasis on the subject of sentence. Therefor they are placed after the subject.Eg Nasima herself opened the door.
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